You Don’t Know Everything – and That’s Okay

When I really started taking social media seriously, I quickly realized that I didn’t know everything there is to know. And there’s a lot to know. I took steps to learn as much as I could about how it all worked, and eventually, others started asking me for help.

From that grew my social media management business, and now I work with a fantastic group of clients. They trust me. I take away their pain. I give them back their time. I follow through. I am consistent. I know things so they don’t have to.

But I don’t know everything. When a client asks something that I don’t know, I say so. I then work diligently to figure out the answer for them. I appreciate these learning opportunities sparked by my clients, and they appreciate my honesty and transparency.

Honesty and transparency are key. If you consistently employ this philosophy, you’ll find people are understanding, even empathetic, because they trust you to follow through. They often become your biggest fan and supporter.

You don’t know everything – and that’s okay.