Help Your Social Media Manager Help You


What are you investing in to skyrocket your success this year?

If you’ve decided to invest in your own social media manager, you must respect and protect that investment as you would any other kind.

  1. Be available. Your social media person is not you. Questions and issues arise that can only be addressed by you, so watch for emails asking for a response to something. The sooner you answer, the better for your online reputation.
  2. Create new content. Your manager strives to keep your content fresh and appealing and is a master at repackaging the same information. However, your fans (and your manager) love new information. A great way to do this is to keep your blog active, giving your followers and your manager something fresh to work with.
  3. Provide third party content. One aspect of your manager’s job is to spread the love on social media by finding and sharing relevant content created by others. If you see information that fits perfectly with your brand, personality, or vision, share it with your manager.
  4. Value their time. Your social media person works hard to provide you a high degree of personal service, which takes time. No doubt you’ve felt the pressure of time as an author or business owner. It’s at a premium for you, and it’s at a premium for them. Help out by gathering your thoughts into one email, making note of answers to questions you’ve already asked, honoring appointment times, etc.
  5. Be pleasant. Your manager is, after all, a regular person who responds to positivity just like any other. If you are grouchy, delay that call. Review that email for tone. Go on vacation. Take a nap.

Your social media manager wants you to succeed. Help them help you succeed and get all you can out of your investment.

Essential Twitter Hashtags for Authors

Coffee Twitter-128

By now you have at least heard of Twitter hashtags, although many authors remain confused about them.


So what the heck is a hashtag anyway? It looks like a pound sign and is placed before a keyword or phrase in your Tweet relevant to your subject matter like this: #author or #dentalhygiene. It is meant to label a topic making it easier to search for on Twitter.


Twitter hosts a large community of authors and writers, and it’s time for you to get out there and get acquainted. Hashtags are like those sticky name tags you wear at events that tell people who you are and make you easier to approach. You want to be easy to approach, right?


General Hashtags

These are highly popular general categories you can use when tweeting content. Everybody uses them, which makes the crowd large, but when you combine these general hashtags with targeted ones within each tweet, you are more likely to reach the audience you are looking for.

  • #author – Label yourself or a fellow author you are promoting
  • #writer – Same idea as above
  • #amwriting – If you are tweeting about a book in progress, offering a writing tip, working on a blog post, or anything of that nature
  • #amreading – Great way to promote what you are reading and who wrote it
  • #book and #books – Use when promoting yours and others (you ARE promoting fellow authors?)
  • #ebook and #ebooks – Same idea as above
  • #kindle – For your ebook version on Amazon


Targeted Hashtags

By targeted, I mean hashtags that are specific to your subject, genre, expertise, or branding. You may need to do some research to figure out the right hashtags for you. Two suggestions: go to and enter different words to see if anybody else is using them, how often, etc.; and find similar authors on Twitter and see how they hashtag their books and subjects. For one client, I discovered that writers of historical fiction often use #histfic and #histnov to label their genre.


The list below offers targeted hashtags more specific to certain subjects. I can’t possibly list for every genre and expertise out there, but you’ll get the idea.


Common Genres

  • #paranormal
  • #romance
  • #scifi
  • #horror
  • #mystery
  • #fiction
  • #nonfiction
  • #thriller
  • #fantasy
  • #inspirational

Narrow it down more

  • #vampire
  • #civics
  • #ancientegypt
  • #medical
  • #WWI
  • #erotica
  • #zombies

Create your own based on branding

  • #AuthorU
  • #KneeExpert
  • #RomanceGuru


Employ the right Twitter hashtags and get you and your work noticed by readers looking for something specific and by fellow authors who will promote your Tweets.

Developing Content for Social Media

Developing Content for Social Media

One of the most common questions I’m asked is “What do I post?” A close second is “Where do I find content for my social media?”  I say don’t over-think it. If you are writing blog posts, have a website, have a book/product/service, and have a brain, you have things to post.


Use Your Own Stuff

If you write a blog, have a website, published a book, or produce a newsletter, you’ve already created content. Because brevity is valued in social media, it’s easy to find a snippet of information within any of these mediums to share. Search for an interesting fact to post and make sure you include a call to action such as asking a question, or attach it to a theme such as Trivia Tuesday. Include a link to the blog post or add a graphic like a photograph.


Let’s look at an example.  An author I work with, Dr. Merrie P. Wycoff, wrote a blog post relating to her Egyptian-themed book. Take a look at it here and follow along as we discover bits and pieces to share on social media:  What is the secret of religion hidden in King Tut’s necklace?

  • The title is already a perfect question to ask using social media.
  • In the first paragraph, we can pull interesting information and rephrase it: 1 – Trivia Tuesday: King Tut’s unusual stone, seen here in his necklace, comes from a field of glass in Egypt. 2 – What does a meteorite have to do with King Tut’s necklace? 3 – Like this post if you love King Tut!
  • First and second paragraphs. 1 – What do a meteor crater, King Tut, and the development of Ancient Egyptian religion have to do with each other? 2 – Trivia Tuesday. Ancient Egyptian religion was profoundly impacted by a meteorite.  3 – Any guesses on how the shock of a meteor impact spurred Ancient Egyptian religion to develop?  4 – Has anybody ever seen a meteor crater?
  • Third paragraph. 1 – Hey fans, first person to find this fact in my blog post and post the paragraph and line number here gets a free Eye of Horus: “…the Hanuti discovered these ley-lines and energy spots and placed crystalline stones upon an altar…” 2 – Did you know the nose became a symbol for a temple in Ancient Egypt? 3 – Who recognizes the pattern on the map in this blog post from another famous piece of Egyptian art? 4 – How are jackals, a nose, and crystalline stones related to Ancient Egyptian religion? 5 – Trivia Tuesday. The early symbol for a temple was a nose because the priests would bake wheat into loaves of bread and the smell wafted over to the farmers in the field signaling it was time for worship. 6 – What does bread have to do with Ancient Egyptian worship?  7 -Those Ancient Egyptians were crazy. Meteors, jackals, and noses?
  • Remember, all of these posts also include a link back to the blog post so your fans can read it.

Book Excerpt

If you’ve written a book, fans love it when authors share excerpts. Utilize your website or blog for the excerpt and use social media to drive people there with a post like “Just released an excerpt from my new book. What do you think about the character John Smith and the life-or-death decision he had to make?”


This is an easy one. Of course you can post and link website information to your various social media accounts. My one caution is that you should not promote your widget too often, or your fans will tune out because they see you as a commercial. They want to be informed, be entertained, get to the know the real person behind the company, and have conversation.


Fan Questions and Comments

Your fans are a goldmine of potential content. If you get a particularly intriguing comment from a fan or see certain questions repeatedly (like, say, where can I find content?), these are excellent launching points for social media content.


Share the Love, Dahling

You must track down and post third party content that relates to your subject matter. For example, an Egyptian theme lends itself well to content located on museum websites. If you provide a health-related service, like chiropractic care, there’s a wealth of information out there to share. Now you can just post and link that information into your social media.

  • Google Alerts. You can enter a word or phrase into an alert, and Google will scour its entire network for that phrase, sending you a notification with a link when found. It is absolutely invaluable for helping you keep up with the latest and greatest in your subject matter. Phrase examples could be “Ancient Egyptian Religion” or “bumblebees” or “space travel.”
  • Websites. Find one with a large amount of relevant information and set aside time to look at it. Here are a few to check out.
    • Alltop. Imports the stories of the top news websites and blogs for any given topic and displays the headlines of the five most recent stories. Also has a search function.
    • Pinterest. A fantastic site to find visual content relating to your subject. Just make DANG sure you can use what you find there. Copyrights are in play.
    • Topsy.  A search engine that posts information in real time from Twitter and Google+ and that strives to find only the “most important” content.
  • Trivia and Quote Sites.  All serious all the time = no fun! You must also entertain your fans with trivia, jokes, quotes, and cartoons. Do a Google search to find sites with this information. There are also cartoon and funny quote pages on Facebook that allow you to share their content.
  • Videos. Search YouTube for related subjects and post to your other social media accounts. Fans love video.


Once you’ve developed content, plan ahead by entering it into a social media planning calendar. This way you won’t repeat information too soon or too often, and it’s easy to cut and paste into social media or HootSuite.